YSA_ A: Who's that? B: _______It's my sister.It's my bag.YSA_M02_1_011YSA_M02_1_012 A: What's this? B: _______It's a rubber.It's my mum.YSA_M02_1_021YSA_M02_1_022 That's my _______.grandfathergrandmotherYSA_M02_1_032YSA_M02_1_032 A: Who's that? B: _______It's Peter. He's my cousin.It's Anna. She's my friend.YSA_M02_1_041YSA_M02_1_042 This is Mrs Toms. _______ my teacher.She'sHe'sYSA_M02_1_051YSA_M02_1_052 This is Ken. _______ my brother.She'sHe'sYSA_M02_1_062YSA_M02_1_062 _______ Fred.I amShe isYSA_M02_1_071YSA_M02_1_072 _______ my friend.I amYou areYSA_M02_1_082YSA_M02_1_082 This is an umbrella. _______ my umbrella.She'sIt'sYSA_M02_1_092YSA_M02_1_092 A: What's this? B: _______It's my bedroom.It's my bathroom.YSA_M02_1_101YSA_M02_1_102 A: Where's the cat? B: _______It's on the table.It's under the bed.YSA_M02_1_112YSA_M02_1_112 A: Where's the boy? B: _______He's in the dining room.He's in the kitchen.YSA_M02_1_122YSA_M02_1_122 A: Where's the TV? B: _______It's in the bookcase.It's on the sofa.YSA_M02_1_131YSA_M02_1_132 A: Where's the girl? B: _______She's in the living room.She's in the garden.YSA_M02_1_141YSA_M02_1_142 A: What's this? B: _______It's a lamp.It's a bookcase.YSA_M02_1_151YSA_M02_1_152 A: Where's the cat? B: _______It's on the bag.It's in the bag.YSA_M02_1_162YSA_M02_1_162 A: Who's that? B: _______It's my father.It's my grandfather.YSA_M02_1_171YSA_M02_1_172 A: This is Maria. B: _______He's my cousin.She's my cousin.YSA_M02_1_182YSA_M02_1_182 A: Where's the chair? B: _______It's on the table.It's under the table.YSA_M02_1_192YSA_M02_1_192 I'm a _______.boygirlYSA_M02_1_201YSA_M02_1_202 I have got a _______.nosemouthYSA_M04_1_012YSA_M04_1_014 You have got green _______.earseyesYSA_M04_1_022YSA_M04_1_024 He has got small _______.earshairYSA_M04_1_031YSA_M04_1_034 It has got two _______.wingstailsYSA_M04_1_041YSA_M04_1_044 It has got a long _______.armtailYSA_M04_1_052YSA_M04_1_054 He's got a pet _______.parrotcatYSA_M04_1_061YSA_M04_1_064 She's got long _______.haireyesYSA_M04_1_071YSA_M04_1_074 A: What's this? B: _______It's a fish.It's a bat.YSA_M04_1_082YSA_M04_1_084 They haven't got _______.eyeslegsYSA_M04_1_092YSA_M04_1_094 A: What are these? B: _______They're cats.They're parrots.YSA_M04_1_101YSA_M04_1_104 Have you got a _______?snakerabbitYSA_M04_1_112YSA_M04_1_114 A: Has it got a tail? B: _______Yes, it has.No, it hasn't.YSA_M04_1_121YSA_M04_1_124 A: Has it got a small head? B: _______Yes, it has.No, it hasn't.YSA_M04_1_131YSA_M04_1_134 A: Has it got six legs? B: _______Yes, it has.No, it hasn't.YSA_M04_1_142YSA_M04_1_144 A: Has he got brown eyes? B: _______Yes, he has.No, he hasn't.YSA_M04_1_152YSA_M04_1_154 It isn't _______.beautifuluglyYSA_M04_1_161YSA_M04_1_164 A: What are _______? B: They're parrots.thistheseYSA_M04_1_172YSA_M04_1_174 They've got wings. They're scary. They're _______.snakesbatsYSA_M04_1_182YSA_M04_1_184 Has she got white _______?toothteethYSA_M04_1_192YSA_M04_1_194 A: Have you got a turtle? B: _______Yes, I have.No, I haven't.YSA_M04_1_201YSA_M04_1_204 Cheetahs are _______ lions.fasterfaster thanYSB_M10_1_012YSB_M10_1_0110 A: Is Kate taller than Betty? B: _______Yes, she is.No, she isn't.YSB_M10_1_031YSB_M10_1_0310 A: Are dolphins bigger than whales? B: _______Yes, they are.No, they aren't.YSB_M10_1_042YSB_M10_1_0410 Hippos are _______ than elephants.thinthinnerYSB_M10_1_052YSB_M10_1_0510 My brother is _______ than me.weakerstrongerYSB_M10_1_061YSB_M10_1_0610 Tina always wins.She's a princess.She's a winner.YSB_M10_1_072YSB_M10_1_0710 Karen is the _______ girl at school.fasterfastestYSB_M10_1_082YSB_M10_1_0810 Our team is the _______!betterbestYSB_M10_1_092YSB_M10_1_0910 Tom is the _______ student in my class.youngestyoungerYSB_M10_1_101YSB_M10_1_1010 Sally is the _______ singer.bestworstYSB_M10_1_112YSB_M10_1_1110 Jim is the _______ boy.strongestweakestYSB_M10_1_121YSB_M10_1_1210 Jake is _______ than Mike.tallesttallerYSB_M10_1_132YSB_M10_1_1310 The Pyramids are _______ than the Eiffel Tower.oldestolderYSB_M10_1_142YSB_M10_1_1410 Is the hippo _______ at swimming than the crocodile?betterbestYSB_M10_1_151YSB_M10_1_1510 The monkey isn't _______ than the gorilla.strongerstrongYSB_M10_1_161YSB_M10_1_1610 A: Where are you going to go on holiday? B: _______I'm going to go camping.I'm going to go shopping.YSB_M10_1_171YSB_M10_1_1710 A: What are you going to take with you? B: _______We're going to the mountains.We're going to take a torch and a sleeping bag.YSB_M10_1_182YSB_M10_1_1810 The Bactrian camel has two _______, not one.humpstrunksYSB_M10_1_191YSB_M10_1_1910 A: What are you going to do in the winter? B: _______I'm going to go sailing.I'm going to go skiing.YSB_M10_1_202YSB_M10_1_2010